Country Garden Montessori Academy
Pursuing Potential, Establishing Success
“The first essential for the child’s development is concentration. The child who concentrates is immensely happy.”
As a private, independent school, we prepare students to successfully meet the challenges of today and tomorrow through a strong education, founded in a core of unchanging values. Our mission is to build leaders who are prepared to thrive in life, work, and community.
With committed faculty, involved parents and exemplary students, we come together to create a unique and vibrant place of learning.
Please call Mrs Minassian (905-898-6257) to schedule your personal tour and a classroom visit for your child.
Casa (Pre-School)
Our Casa (pre-school) program contains five areas of study: Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Mathematics, and Culture. This classroom houses students from 3.8 to 6 years of age. These areas of study coupled with the multi age mix of students is a very dynamic learning environment, which provides the students with the opportunity to evolve into disciplined, enthusiastic, self directed learners.
As dictated by Maria Montessori, the child is born a learner. The prepared environment at CGMA allows for the natural progression of learning to take place spontaneously and effortlessly.
A Montessori philosophy fosters further refinement of the child's own innate potentiality through the development of their mathematical mind, language refinement, and sensorial exploration.
Elementary School
CGMA Elementary School is a continuation of the basic philosophy and principles of Maria Montessori. As the students enter their senior elementary grades and work more abstractly they have gained a greater understanding of the basic concepts allowing them to feel more confident in their own ability to learn.
The elementary classroom is an environment in which our teachers spend much time helping students work cohesively and collaboratively. All students must be contributing members of the class in order to feel comfortable and confident take academic risks, ask questions and present work effectively.
At CGMA students are active partners with their teachers along their educative journey to success.
High School
Welcome to High School where, at CGMA, we provide an opportunity for each student to explore the possibilities which afford them the freedom to reach their innate potential.
Our academic year is divided into two semesters where students select 4 courses of study and upon successful completion will be awarded a credit toward their required 30 credits.
Our CGMA high school students have exceptional character and as such fulfill an integral role within the school community as mentors, and leaders.
To be granted an OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) each student much be granted a minimum of 30 credits, be successful on the grade 10 literacy test, and complete a minimum of 40 hours of community service.